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How To Overtake in a Narrow Channel and Avoid Collision

Ships overtaking in a narrow channel is one of the most challenging parts of navigating inside waterways. The confined waterway, hydrodynamic forces, and the vessels' proximity increase the risk of collision if proper precautions are not taken.  While we have various...

When To Change From Ship’s Autopilot to Manual Steering

Transitioning from automatic steering to manual steering is a decision made based on a keen understanding of the ship's location and the current situation.  Automatic steering, often called autopilot, is a computerized navigation system that automatically maneuvers a...

List of Shipboard Drills and Their Frequency Schedules

Safety drills are regular practice exercises on board that ensure the crew's preparation and effective response during an emergency situation. Because these training exercises simulate real-life emergencies, vessel personnel can develop the muscle memory and critical...

Seaman’s Notes

Mariner’s Handbook

38 Differences Between an LRIT and an AIS

38 Differences Between an LRIT and an AIS

LRIT and AIS have many differences, especially in their functions and the purpose of their installation. While both equipment are used for tracking vessels, they have stark contrasting features that set them apart. The way they handle data and...

52 Most Common Deck Cadet Interview Questions & Answer Tips

A company interview is one of the most important stages of a deck cadet's journey for onboard employment. But despite its significance, many find this part difficult, even when answering the most basic interview questions. One reason is their unpreparedness; they...

Chief Engineer Duties, Responsibilities, and Salary

A Chief Engineer, also known as ChEng, C/E, or Chief, is the head of the Shipboard Engineering Department. He is responsible for all operations and maintenance of all engineering equipment throughout the vessel. Think of him as the marine engineer's big boss with the...

List of Medical Facilities & Practitioners Enrolled in MISMO 2024

As we all know, one of the requirements for processing our COP application in MISMO is a valid medical certificate in PEME format. Many seafarers often asked me if MARINA would approve the clinics they opted for. We’re about to answer that here. The good thing is we...

Rate of Turn Indicator (ROTI) – Regulations, Formula, and How to Use

The rate of turn indicator is helpful in many ways on ships, especially during channeling or significant course alterations. When I was a helmsman, I always took time to watch how my fellow ABs countered or stopped a ship's turn. One of my methods in using the rate of...