Seaman Memories

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Tips for Keeping a Proper Look-Out

Maintaining a proper look-out is a blessing from the sea gods. Vigilant observation of the surrounding waters had saved many hulls from ramming into other ships or obstructions. Of all the rules in ColRegs, the look-out rule in Rule 5 is my favorite and probably the most...

What Information Must Be Plotted on the Voyage Charts?

Accurate and up-to-date charts are critical for safe navigation. Still, they aren't enough to keep a vessel fully prepared.  Even with modern ECDIS systems, manually marking key areas with important details is still a good practice to further enhance the ship's safety....

Basic and Advanced Functions of ECDIS You Must Familiarize

All deck officers must familiarize themselves with the basic and advanced functions of the ECDIS equipment.  Since the overall objective of ECDIS training is to enhance navigational safety, users must know how to use it, including its limitations. What is an ECDIS?...

Seaman’s Notes

Mariner’s Handbook

21 Distress Signals That Indicate a Ship is Asking for Help

21 Distress Signals That Indicate a Ship is Asking for Help

Distress signals are among the most important communication tools on board every vessel. Because these emergency calls for help are universal, any seafarer should be able to tell that someone is in dire need of assistance. Over the years, the...

6 Most Commonly Used ICS Flag Signals On Ships

Flag signals are one of the visual communication methods that many merchant vessels use today. Whenever ships visit a port, you will always see these rectangular colored cloth hoisted on the forward or aft mast. Also referred to as colors, seafarers use nautical flag...

Identifying Ship’s Lights, Shapes, and Sound Signals

While many ships today upgrade their navigational tools to the latest technology, knowing the lights, shapes, and sound signals is as important as ever. You will find detailed explanations in Parts C and D of COLREGS or the International Regulations for Preventing...

I Wrote a Message In a Bottle & Released It in the Middle of the Atlantic Ocean

I actually wrote three. But I don't know if the bottles or the messages inside survived. The bottle probably broke and sank under the sea after getting rammed by some boats. Or maybe the cap gave in, allowing water inside the glass and eventually burying it underwater...

What is an Automatic Identification System (AIS)? Best Explanation

An Automatic Identification System (AIS) is a maritime communication technology that enables the automatic exchange of navigational information between ship-to-ship and shore stations, enhancing situational awareness and promoting safety at sea. As the name says, you...