Minimum Requirements for Becoming a Dean in a Maritime College

by | Last updated May 9, 2024 | Career Guide, Job Search | 2 comments

One of the many jobs seafarers should consider on shore is to become a Dean in a maritime college. Specifically, this profession suits management-level officers and engineers.

If you want to retire your sea life while taking advantage of your rank, seek a position as a Dean in maritime schools.

Who knows you may become a dean in schools offering maritime scholarships here in the Philippines.

What is a Dean?

A Dean is a title given to a person who leads a certain academic program in colleges and universities. 

Since schools offer various degrees and courses, there must be a person managing each respective department.

A maritime college is one part of an academy. In order for that division to function well, it needs a Dean to implement changes that improve the quality of education.

This includes complying with the standards laid out by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED). 

Apart from that, a Dean of a maritime college must be fully conversant with the STCW Convention. He must be able to implement them in the school system.

CHED requirements

According to CHED, a maritime school shall have a distinct and separate College of Maritime Education for the operation of maritime programs.

They must establish a department for every maritime program under the College of Maritime Education.

Moreover, a full-time dean shall manage the College of Maritime Education. He must effectively carry out his or her functions and responsibilities.

In case the College of Maritime Education has only one department, the Dean may serve as department head in a concurrent capacity.

Cadets enhancing their skills in using a nautical chart.
Cadets using a nautical chart in school.

What does a Dean of maritime college do?

A Dean’s job is on a managerial level, similar to that of the Captain onboard. But instead of running a ship of 16 to 28 crew, he now handles hundreds of students in this new “ship”.

His cargo now is the knowledge and courses that should be delivered to students from first year to graduation.

That being said, a Dean must create programs that enhance skills necessary for students in their chosen field (BSMT and BSMarE).

He must provide leadership and develop projects that put the school’s maritime college in the global standard.

We know that after graduation, these cadets will find a career on different merchant ships

Thus, he must ensure that the students are highly trained and well-equipped. They must be competent under domestic and international standards.

A Dean’s job includes improving the school’s maritime facilities.

As the head of maritime college, he must ensure that ARPA, ECDIS, GMDSS, cargo handling and other navigational equipment found on board must also be found in school for students to learn, use, and familiarize themselves.

We can say that the Dean has done a good job when their university reaches within the top 20 maritime colleges in the country.

Minimum Requirements and Qualifications of a Dean

Normally, Management Level Officers such as the Master, Chief Mate, Chief Engineer, and Second Engineer are preferred for this position. 

Aside from them, Officers in Charge of a Watch are also qualified as long as they meet the requirements.

As per CHED guidelines, the Dean of the College of Maritime Education may do any one of the following:

a) Management Level Officers (Tier 1)

  • 24 months of seagoing experience as a Management Level Officer;
  • 2 years of teaching experience;
  • BSMT or BSMarE degree;
  • Master’s degree, preferably related to BSMT/ BSMarE program;
  • completed Training Course for Instructors (IMO Model Course 6.09) and;
  • completed Training Course on Assessment, Examination, and Certification of Seafarers (IMO Model Course 3.12);

b) Management Level Officers (Tier 2)

  • 12 months of seagoing experience as a Management Level Officer;
  • 3 years of teaching experience;
  • 1 year of supervisory experience;
  • BSMT or BSMarE degree;
  • Master’s degree, preferably related to BSMT/ BSMarE program;
  • completed Training Course for Instructors (IMO Model Course 6.09) and;
  • completed Training Course on Assessment, Examination, and Certification of Seafarers (IMO Model Course 3.12);

If you had your management license for a while but didn’t get the chance to use it on board, you are still qualified to apply for the title of Dean in a maritime college.

You only need to comply with these additional requirements.

Maritime cadets making use of the school's full mission bridge simulator.
Making sure that simulators are working is one of the many jobs of a dean in a maritime college.

c) Management Level Officer (Tier 3)

  • 24 months of seagoing experience as Officer in Charge of a Watch;
  • 5 years of teaching experience;
  • 3 years of supervisory experience;
  • BSMT or BSMarE degree;
  • Masters degree preferably related to BSMT/ BSMarE program;
  • completed Training Course for Instructors (IMO Model Course 6.09) and;
  • completed Training Course on Assessment, Examination, and Certification of Seafarers (IMO Model Course 3.12);

Lastly, an OIC is also qualified for that position provided that he meets the criteria listed below.

d) Officer in Charge of a Watch

  • 36 months of seagoing experience as Officer in Charge of a Watch(either Third Mate or Second Mate);
  • 5 years of teaching experience;
  • 3 years of supervisory experience;
  • BSMT or BSMarE degree;
  • Master’s degree preferably related to BSMT/ BSMarE program;
  • completed Training Course for Instructors (IMO Model Course 6.09) and;
  • completed Training Course on Assessment, Examination, and Certification of Seafarers (IMO Model Course 3.12);

Note that these qualifications may vary in every maritime university. If you are an active mariner, the seagoing experience won’t be a problem.

A seafarer eyeing such a career on shore should make good use of his vacation. You may want to consider having a teaching load in a university especially if you opt for a longer vacation.

Another thing to do is take a master’s degree in BSMT/ BSMarE and accomplish IMO Model Courses 6.09 and 3.12.

Though the salary is lower compared to how much you earn while working on board, there are still advantages and fulfillment in working on shore.

Aside from becoming a dean, you can also try becoming a maritime instructor in a maritime school or training center.

May the winds be in your favor.



  1. Jhun Treyes

    Good day! Upon reading the requirements given, it all says “Master’s degree preferably related to BSMT/ BSMarE program”. Would like to ask if a an experienced management level Mariner would still qualify for the dean position if he’s master’s degree is not related to Maritime e.g. Business Administration?

    • Gibi

      Hello and thanks for your comment. The “master’s degree” requirement is only a preference, not a must. As long as you have the other requirements, you should be qualified for the position. These are but the minimum requirements from CHED. You may also reach out to the school/s you’re interested in as they may have additional requirements in place.


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