MARINA issued the latest requirements for our Certificate of Proficiency or COP in their STCW Circular 2018-05.
As our governing authority, the Maritime Industry Authority established these guidelines on the proper issuance and revalidation of our certificates. BT, PSCRB, PFRB, MEFA, MECA, AFF SSO, and SDSD are discussed here.
The newly introduced II/4, II/5, III/4, and III/5 are also included. Their requirements are easy to acquire if you know where to look. This post will help you do just that.
There have been many changes to our training requirements since the Manila 2010 Amendments.
Like you, I was also confused about the updates since there was no proper information dissemination at that time.
I did careful research on this topic by going as far as tracking down MARINA’s Facebook Page, reply comments, their website, the STCW Code, and the STCW Convention.
Online Revolution
MARINA recently introduced an online verification and appointment system. They aim to make the COP and COC (Certificate of Competency) filing simpler.
Today, seafarers must process all their COPs through online appointments. You won’t also be given a physical certificate. Instead, your COP will be saved digitally and you have the option to print it if you like.
To make things better, some COP requires no revalidation. You only have to take them once during your sailing career. More details coming up later on.
COP Requirements for STCW Courses
Though all mandatory courses require issuance of COP, not all of them are subject to renewal. Here is the list of COPs requiring re-validation.
I did not include the training for TANKER courses since it will be posted in a different article.
Since everything is done online, all the requirements here will be uploaded to your MISMO account.
That being said, you must sign up for a MISMO Account. If you already have one, head directly to the Certification tab to see the more detailed requirements.
Basic Training (BT)
This is simply the “familiarization course” or “SOLAS training” you famously heard of.
It comprises four modules each having 16 training hours. BT Refresher is only 16 hours for the whole course.
Documentary Requirements for Issuance
- First page of Passport OR Seafarer’s Identification Document (SID) OR any valid government issued ID bearing the Full Name and Birthdate as Proof of Identity. NOTE: Name reflected will be the same in the certificate to be issued.
- Certificate of BT Full Course taken or completed WITHIN TWO (2) years before the date of application.
- Valid Medical Certificate in PEME format. (Encoded and uploaded by the medical facility).
- Colored 2×2 inches picture in a white polo with collar, white background and taken within the last six (6) months, NO SHOULDER BOARD and NO name tag.
For Revalidation
- Valid BT COP (No need to upload. This will be verified in the system).
- SIRB/ SRB first page and pages with entries showing approved seagoing service indicated in the company sea service.
- Approved seagoing service for a period of at least twelve (12) months within the last five (5) years OR three (3) months within the last six (6) months prior to the date of revalidation. This must be encoded by your local manning agency.
- Certificate of Training Completion for Refresher on Basic Training (BT-R) taken within two (2) years before the date of application.
- Medical Certificate in PEME format (Encoded and uploaded by the medical facility).
- Colored 2×2 inches picture in a white polo with collar, white background and taken within the last six (6) months, NO SHOULDER BOARD and NO name tag.
- If does not meet the required sea service, Training Completion of the Full Course.
Survival Crafts and Rescue Boats other than Fast Rescue Boats (SCRB)
This course is for crew members of rescue boats. It gives training and education to seafarers who are required to take charge of a survival craft or rescue boat (other than a fast rescue boat).
It is 32 training hours long (4 days). The PSCRB Refresher Course is only 8 hours long.
Documentary Requirements for Issuance
- Certificate of Training Completion for SCRB taken or completed WITHIN TWO (2) years before the date of application.
- Certificate of Seagoing Service for a period of at least three (6) months of approved seagoing service (Must be encoded and uploaded by your manning agency).
- SIRB/SRB first page and entries.
- Valid Medical Certificate in PEME format.
- Colored 2×2 inches picture in a white polo with collar, white background and taken within the last six (6) months, NO SHOULDER BOARD and NO name tag.
- First page of Passport OR Seafarer’s Identification Document (SID) OR any valid government issued ID bearing the Full Name and Birthdate as Proof of Identity. NOTE: Name reflected will be the same in the certificate to be issued.
For Revalidation
- Valid COP in SCRB.
- Approved seagoing service for a period of at least twelve (12) months in total within the last five (5) years, OR three (3) months in total within the last six (6) months prior to the date of revalidation.
- Certificate of Training Completion for Refresher Training for SCRB (SCRB-R) taken or completed WITHIN TWO (2) years before the date of application.
- Medical Certificate in PEME format.
- Colored 2×2 inches picture in a white polo with collar, white background and taken within the last six (6) months, NO SHOULDER BOARD and NO name tag.
- If does not meet the required sea service, Training Completion of the Full Course.
- SIRB/ SRB first page and pages with entries showing approved seagoing service indicated in the company sea service.
Fast Rescue Boat (FRB)
Seafarers are trained in acquiring the skills for manning, handling, and taking charge of a fast rescue boat.
Focus skills include safety precautions, starting engines, launching, procedures for righting a capsized rescue boat, search patterns, recovery of casualty in the water, and many more.
The regular course is 28 training hours long (3.5 days). The refresher course is only 8 hours.
Documentary Requirements for Issuance
- Valid COP in SCRB (No need to upload. Will be verified in the system).
- First page of Passport OR Seafarer’s Identification Document (SID) OR any valid government issued ID bearing the Full Name and Birthdate as Proof of Identity. NOTE: Name reflected will be the same in the certificate to be issued.
- Valid Medical Certificate in PEME format (Encoded and uploaded by the medical facility).
- Colored 2×2 inches picture in a white polo with collar, white background and taken within the last six (6) months, NO SHOULDER BOARD and NO name tag.
- Certificate of Training Completion for FRB taken or completed WITHIN TWO (2) years before the date of application.
For Revalidation
- Valid COP FRB (No need to upload. Will be verified in the system).
- Valid COP SCRB (No need to upload. Will be verified in the system).
- Approved seagoing service for a period of at least twelve (12) months in total within the last five (5) years, OR three (3) months in total within the last six (6) months immediately prior to application date.
- SIRB/ SRB first page and pages with entries showing approved seagoing service indicated in the company sea service.
- Certificate of Training Completion for Refresher Training on FRB (FRB-R) taken or completed WITHIN TWO (2) years before the date of application.
- Medical Certificate in PEME format (Encoded and uploaded by the medical facility).
- Colored 2×2 inches picture in a white polo with collar, white background and taken within the last six (6) months, NO SHOULDER BOARD and NO name tag.
- If does not meet the required sea service, Training Completion of the Full Course.
Advanced Fire Fighting (AFF)
Seafarers are trained to conduct advanced firefighting techniques with particular emphasis on organization, tactics, and command.
The training will be as realistic as possible and they should know how to use the different fire fighting equipment on board.
Furthermore, they will train on scenarios involving dangerous goods, ventilation control, control of fuel and electrical systems, communication and coordination during fire-fighting operations, etc.
The regular course is 36 training hours long or 4.5 days. AFF Refresher is 12 only hours.
Documentary Requirements for Issuance
- Certificate of Training Completion for AFF.
- SIRB/SRB first page OR any valid government ID OR birth certificate.
- Valid Medical Certificate in PEME format (Encoded and uploaded by the medical facility).
- Colored 2×2 inches picture in white polo with collar, white background and taken within the last six (6) months, NO SHOULDER BOARD and NO name tag.
For Revalidation
- Valid COP in AFF (No need to upload. Will be verified in the system).
- Approved seagoing service for a period of at least twelve (12) months in total within five (5) years, OR three (3) months in total within six (6) months prior to the date of revalidation.
- SIRB/ SRB first page and pages with entries showing approved seagoing service indicated in the company sea service.
- If does not meet the required sea service, Training Completion of the Full Course AFF.
- Certificate of Training Completion for Refresher Course in AFF, OR Certificate of Training Completion in AFF (full course), if expired COP in AFF or if the applicant does not meet the required seagoing service.
- Medical Certificate in PEME format (Encoded and uploaded by the medical facility).
- Colored 2×2 inches picture in white polo with collar, white background and taken within the last six (6) months, NO SHOULDER BOARD and NO name tag.
COP without Revalidation
Please be guided accordingly. Here is a list of Certificates of Proficiency requiring no revalidation. The requirements are for issuance only.
Regulation II/4: Ratings Forming Part of a Navigational Watch (RFP-NW)
- Uploaded first page of Passport OR Seafarer’s Identification Document (SID), OR any valid government-issued ID bearing the Full Name and Birthdate PLUS Birth Certificate as Proof of Identity.
- Medical Certificate in PEME format.
- Practical Assessment Certificate for RFPNW (for those assessments completed before 01 SEPTEMBER 2019, please upload Certificate of Assessment).
- Colored 2×2 inches picture in white polo with collar, white background and taken within the last six (6) months, NO SHOULDER BOARD and no name tag.
Regulation III/4: Ratings Forming Part of an Engineering Watch (RFP-EW)
- Uploaded first page of Passport OR Seafarer’s Identification Document (SID), OR any valid government-issued ID bearing the Full Name and Birthdate PLUS Birth Certificate as Proof of Identity.
- Medical Certificate in PEME format issued by a DOH-approved medical facility.
- Practical Assessment Certificate for RFPEW (for those assessments completed before 01 SEPTEMBER 2019, please upload Certificate of Assessment).
- Colored 2×2 inches picture in white polo with collar, white background and taken within the last six (6) months, NO SHOULDER BOARD and no name tag.
The next two should be quite similar except for their respective department requirement.
Regulation II/5: Ratings as Able Seafarer Deck
- COP in RFPNW (II/4) *No need to upload. This will be verified in the system.
- Uploaded first page of Passport OR Seafarer’s Identification Document (SID), OR any valid government-issued ID bearing the Full Name and Birthdate PLUS Birth Certificate as Proof of Identity.
- Medical Certificate in PEME format.
- Certificate of Practical Assessment for Able-Seafarer Deck (For those assessments completed before 01 SEPTEMBER 2019, please upload Certificate of Assessment).
- First page of Passport OR Seafarer’s Identification Document (SID) OR any valid government issued ID bearing the Full Name and Birthdate as Proof of Identity. NOTE: Name reflected will be the same in the certificate to be issued.
- Colored 2×2 inches picture in white polo with collar, white background, and taken within the last six (6) months, NO SHOULDER BOARD and no name tag.
Regulation III/5: Ratings as Able Seafarer Engine
- COP in RFPEW (III/4) *No need to upload. This will be verified in the system.
- Uploaded first page of Passport OR Seafarer’s Identification Document (SID), OR any valid government-issued ID bearing the Full Name and Birthdate PLUS Birth Certificate as Proof of Identity.
- Medical Certificate in PEME format.
- Certificate of Practical Assessment for Able-Seafarer Engine (For those assessments completed before 01 SEPTEMBER 2019, please upload Certificate of Assessment).
- Colored 2×2 inches picture in white polo with collar, white background, and taken within the last six (6) months, NO SHOULDER BOARD and no name tag.
Medical First Aid (MEFA)
- Certificate of Training Completion for MeFA
- SIRB/SRB first page OR any valid government ID.
- Valid Medical Certificate in PEME format.
- Colored 2×2 inches picture in white polo with collar, white background and taken within the last six (6) months, NO SHOULDER BOARD and no name tag.
Medical Care (MECA)
- Certificate of Training Completion for MeCa
- Valid MeFA COP (No need to upload. Will be verified in the system).
- Valid Medical Certificate in PEME format.
- SIRB/SRB first page or any valid government ID.
- Colored 2×2 inches picture in white polo with collar, white background and taken within the last six (6) months, NO SHOULDER BOARD and no name tag.
Security Awareness Training and Seafarers with Designated Security Duties (SAT-SDSD)
- Certificate of Training Completion for SDSD.
- SIRB/SRB first page or any valid government ID.
- Valid Medical Certificate in PEME format.
- Colored 2×2 inches picture in white polo with collar, white background and taken within the last six (6) months, NO SHOULDER BOARD and no name tag.
Ship Security Officer (SSO)
- Certificate of Training Completion for SSO
- Approved Seagoing service of not less than twelve (12) months
- SIRB/SRB first page or any valid government ID.
- SIRB/ SRB first page and pages with entries showing approved seagoing service indicated in the company sea service.
- Valid Medical Certificate in PEME format
- Colored 2×2 inches picture in white polo with collar, white background and taken within the last six (6) months, NO SHOULDER BOARD and no name tag
Additional Requirements
Aside from the regular requirements listed above, there are also extra documents needed for special purposes.
Check the details below to find out if you need some of these.
Expedite Processing
In addition to the requirements of each COP listed above, the applicant who wishes to expedite the release of his COP shall also submit the following.
- Letter request from the shipping company/manning agency duly signed by its authorized official/s, and must bear the official logo of the company stating therein the reason or circumstance.
- Documentary evidence of the reason or circumstance stated in the letter request for expedited processing.
- Overseas Employment Certificate (OEC) from the Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA), and
- Contract of Employment duly approved by the POEA.
For applications filed on behalf of the seafarer who is currently serving on board a ship
The Liaison Officer shall bring the original copy of the above documents. He must present it to the designated Document Evaluator, for verification and validation.
- Letter request from the shipping company/manning agency duly signed by its authorized official/s, and must bear the official logo of the company stating the reason or circumstance thereof;
- Documentary evidence of the reason or circumstance stated in the letter request for expedited processing;
- Duly notarized Affidavit of Undertaking or Certification from the shipping company/manning agency;
- Ship’s Crew List;
- New Contract of Employment approved by the POEA in case of promotion; OR
- Duly notarized Affidavit in case of lost or damaged COP or with erroneous information therein.
- Affidavit of Loss (if Lost); OR Affidavit of Discrepancy (for correction of details).
- One of the following:
- A.) Picture of the damaged original COP (if damaged);
- B.) Picture of original COP (for correction of First Name, Middle Name, Last Name or Date of Birth;
- C.) Marriage Contract for married woman applying for change of Last Name.
- First page of Passport OR Seafarer’s Identification Document (SID) OR any valid government issued ID bearing the Full Name and Birthdate as Proof of Identity. NOTE: Name reflected will be the same in the certificate to be issued.
- Colored 2×2 inches picture in white polo with collar, white background and taken within the last six (6) months, NO SHOULDER BOARD and NO name tag.
How to Apply for an Issuance or Revalidation of Your COP
A few months ago, MARINA implemented a “Paperless” or online application system to speed up the processing.
However, there have been reports lately that the issuance or renewal of our COP takes weeks or months.
This is quite ironic. Before the online system, we can just show up as walk-in applicants. Our COPs would be ready in two to four hours.
We are hoping that this issue will be fixed as soon as possible.
Going back, here are the steps for your COP application. The steps in processing your COP in MISMO are very easy.
Take a look at these methods.
- Register in MARINA’s online Appointment System called MISMO.
- Select Transaction then click the Certification tab.
- Select Type of Process (Regular, Expedite, or Onboard).
- Choose the type of Transaction (Issuance, Revalidation, or Replacement)
- Click the Type of Certificate then choose “COP”, and select the certificate/training course to be processed.
- Click the “Submit” button and check the data encoded by MTI, Medical Clinic, & Manning Agency, & comply with other requirements for the chosen transaction.
- Click the “Submit” button. You will receive an SMS from MARINA informing you of the status of your evaluation.
- Once approved, you can now pay the corresponding fee at the authorized payment centers.
- Your COP should be available in your MISMO account after paying. You can download it, sign your name, and give it to your manning agency.
May the winds be in your favor.
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