Seaman Memories

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Minimum Requirements of STCW Training Courses Per Rank

Pursuing a career at sea requires extensive training and certification. The higher you progress through the ranks, the more courses you must take. If you want an overview of what training courses you must take for your future promotion, this article will guide you there. The...

21 Distress Signals That Indicate a Ship is Asking for Help

Distress signals are among the most important communication tools on board every vessel. Because these emergency calls for help are universal, any seafarer should be able to tell that someone is in dire need of assistance. Over the years, the maritime industry has developed...

6 Most Commonly Used ICS Flag Signals On Ships

Flag signals are one of the visual communication methods that many merchant vessels use today. Whenever ships visit a port, you will always see these rectangular colored cloth hoisted on the forward or aft mast. Also referred to as colors, seafarers use nautical flag signals...

Seaman’s Notes

Mariner’s Handbook

20 Automatic Radar Plotting Aid (ARPA) Functions You Must Know

20 Automatic Radar Plotting Aid (ARPA) Functions You Must Know

An Automatic Radar Plotting Aid or ARPA is an essential tool for deck officers navigating the seas. It's a mariner's best friend for enhancing situational awareness and collision avoidance by automatically tracking and displaying the movements...

52 Most Common Deck Cadet Interview Questions & Answer Tips

A company interview is one of the most important stages of a deck cadet's journey for onboard employment. But despite its significance, many find this part difficult, even when answering the most basic interview questions. One reason is their unpreparedness; they...

Chief Engineer Duties, Responsibilities, and Salary

A Chief Engineer, also known as ChEng, C/E, or Chief, is the head of the Shipboard Engineering Department. He is responsible for all operations and maintenance of all engineering equipment throughout the vessel. Think of him as the marine engineer's big boss with the...

List of Medical Facilities & Practitioners Enrolled in MISMO 2024

As we all know, one of the requirements for processing our COP application in MISMO is a valid medical certificate in PEME format. Many seafarers often asked me if MARINA would approve the clinics they opted for. We’re about to answer that here. The good thing is we...

Rate of Turn Indicator (ROTI) – Regulations, Formula, and How to Use

The rate of turn indicator is helpful in many ways on ships, especially during channeling or significant course alterations. When I was a helmsman, I always took time to watch how my fellow ABs countered or stopped a ship's turn. One of my methods in using the rate of...